What are elective classes?
Electives are weekly classes that do not necessarily align with traditional academic instruction. Courses are designed by teachers based on their interests and perceived student interests. Students are able to choose which elective they would like to take, and sign up for a new elective each trimester.
What are the benefits of electives?
Although electives aren't traditionally "academic," electives help our students learn! Electives topics are highly engaging, and students have the freedom to choose their course, both resulting in major buy-in by students. Additionally, electives topics fall in the categories of being hands-on, providing opportunities for physical movement, or are artistic/creative. These types of courses uncover strengths in students they might not demonstrate in the regular classroom, and develop skills that can be applied in their other subjects. Plus, electives are fun!
*Students can select from the following electives:
*Electives are subject to change.